About BHS

About Belleview High School

Passage Assembly

Belleview High School is located in a rural area just west of US Highway 441, ten miles south of Ocala. Currently, we serve approximately 1900 students. The racial composition of the school is predominantly white (75%), with approximately 5% African American, 10% Hispanic, 1% Asian, and 9% other. The school's population includes 13% students with disabilities, 3% ESOL and 60% low-income students.

Beginning with the 2018-19 school year, Belleview High School is a Title 1 School. For more information about Title 1, Please see here:https://www2.ed.gov/programs/titleiparta/index.html

Our Mission and Beliefs

Our Mission:

The Faculty and Staff of Belleview High School are committed to providing a safe and healthy learning environment as a foundation for the academic, social and ethical development necessary for each student to become a successful citizen in tomorrow's society.

School Beliefs:

The Faculty and Staff of Belleview High School are committed to the following ideals:

  • Each student is treated as a valued individual.
  • Learning is the primary focus of the school.
  • Communication among staff, parents and students fosters positive relationships.
  • Staff, parents, students and community members share the responsibility for providing a safe, healthy, and supportive learning environment within the school.
  • Staff, parents, students, and community members share the responsibility for student success on state and nationally-driven tests.
  • Clear goals and high expectations are essential to student success.
  • A variety of instructional opportunities must be provided to ensure student success.
  • Attendance and readiness to learn are the responsibility of students, parents and the school community.

Academic Programs

This year, BHS is operating on a six-period schedule on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays with an alternating block schedule on Thursdays (1,3,5) and Fridays (2,4,6).

BHS offers dual enrollment programs and Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) courses for those students interested in accelerated programs. We also offer a variety of Career and Technical Programs, each with an associated professional industry certification for upper level students. We offer credit recovery opportunities using the Marion County franchise of Florida Virtual School, and maintain a full-time computer lab during all periods for virtual students' use.