AICE Benefits

AICE Benefits

  • AICE courses and examinations are equivalent to first year and a half of college and university courses (Up to 45 total credit hours) (See Course Equivalents for more detail).
  • Students who pass seven examinations are awarded the AICE Diploma directly by the University of Cambridge. Students who do not earn the AICE Diploma are given credit for those examinations they do pass and are awarded individual General Certificates of Education by Cambridge.
  • AICE and Pre-AICE teachers at Belleview High School are trained and certified directly by Cambridge. Each of the courses strictly follows a course syllabus that is designed by Cambridge professors.
  • AICE students are eligible for the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship. All AICE Academy students are required to fulfill the 100-hour community service project, which is required for the Florida Academic Scholars Award.
  • The AICE program of study at BHS offers students one of the most demanding and rigorous college preparatory programs in the world. The State of Florida Universities and the Bright Futures Scholarship Program each award one extra quality point for students who successfully complete an AICE course with a "C" or better.

Study by Bill Kolb: Former director of admissions at the University of Florida: The study found that AICE program graduates attending the University of Florida had an average end-of-freshman year GPA of 3.46 whereas students coming from other acceleration mechanisms such as Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) had an average GPA of 3.12 and 3.10 respectively.

Cambridge / FSU Study: Success in the US: Are Cambridge International Assessments Good Preparation for University Study? This article outlines the success of Cambridge AICE students at Florida State University and of how they are outperforming all other acceleration mechanisms including IB and AP. ~ Cambridge Study

2019 Study on Acceleration in the US: Cambridge qualifications proven to be good preparation for university studies in the US.

Cambridge USA Recognition: Universities are speaking out on how prepared students that come from the AICE program are when they enter college. View the video of FSU, DUKE, University of Washington, MIT, and others as they share their opinions on the AICE

Former Student Testimonials:

"AICE is a program for extremely motivated students to succeed. You will take out of it what you put in it. My participation in AICE prepared me to be a well-rounded individual; not just academically. The teachers are prepared and very knowledgeable in their subjects. On top of that, the greatest thing is they impart the passion they have for their subject to the student. It's a small community where your teachers become your friends. AICE inspired in me curiosity and academic boldness. It is a program that molded me giving me a cultural awareness and maturity to look at global issues today. Through AICE I was able to leave high school with a year of my degree completed. Not only did I leave with a year under my belt, but I was well prepared for the political science, writing and history classes that I was to take at the University of Florida. AICE taught me to think critically and to communicate, which is a rare skill acquired these days. Though I left high school a bit unsure of what was ahead of me, I was able to find my path and AICE left me prepared for whatever I was going to choose for my future. Today I am a journalism junior who is pre-law. I know the future holds new adventures, challenges and big things, and I feel that AICE not only prepared me for high school but for everything I will face in the future. If I could do it all over again I would because I know that as a person I wouldn't be who I am today without my experience in the program." -Gabriela Gonzalez - Class of 2009

“Because I made a commitment to the BHS AICE program, I am now living the dream by getting paid to go to the college of my choice and take fun, interesting classes. Without having college credits my options would have been severely limited. Also, the education you receive through AICE is first class. You get one on one attention from your teachers and many of the skills I learned in high school I have carried on into college. In AICE I former a close group of friends who are academically minded, and I had time to play sports and be active in numerous clubs and extracurricular activities. The four years I spent at Belleview High were a memorable experience, thanks to AICE and the wonderful staff at BHS. Planning for your future starts now. If you are considering going to a 4-year university, becoming part of the AICE program is a step closer to you living your dream.” – Natalie Nadeau – Class of 2010

View a testimonial powerpoint here.