AICE General Paper (9th Grade)


AICE English General Paper 1 (FRESHMEN) Summer Reading Projects

Students will complete TWO projects:

  1.  Read The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson and either complete a worksheet on literary devices OR complete a creative project on literary devices.
  2. Students will create a presentation on an important issue/problem that is happening in the world, while giving possible solutions.

** Students will also need to learn the list of vocabulary words provided.  Students may have sporadic vocabulary tests throughout the year, though it is not guaranteed.

 BOTH of these projects will be turned into your AICE English General Paper teacher.

Due Date: August 30th, 2024- Hard copies will be turned in to your teacher; digital work will be turned in through Canvas. DO NOT email work to teachers. NO PENALTY FOR TURNING WORK IN EARLY. No late work accepted. 

Due Date: August 30th, 2024- Hard copies will be turned in to your teacher; digital work will be turned in through Canvas. DO NOT email work to teachers. NO PENALTY FOR TURNING WORK IN EARLY. No late work accepted.

Project #1

Part A:

Read The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson

Part B: Type a ONE PAGE summary (MLA format) of the book and complete ONE of the activities below (complete either activity 1 OR activity 2).

1. Complete the Literary Devices worksheet (attached here)


2. Create an art project (video, collage, poem, picture, etc.) that showcases what you’ve learned from the book. You MUST incorporate the theme/s, symbols, characters, conflict/s, climax (turning point of the book), setting, and foreshadowing/flashbacks. Please provide a ½ page written explanation as to how all elements were incorporated and why you chose to depict them in the way in which you did.

Project #2

Issues/Problems Around the World

Please choose an issue that the world is currently facing (if you cannot come up with an issue, there is a list provided that you can choose from, but it is not required to do a listed issue). Create a presentation using either PowerPoint, Prezi, a poster board, etc., that incorporates the following listed below:

  • What the issue is (name of the issue/problem, defining/explaining what the issue/problem is)
  • When and how it started
  • Who the issue is affecting and how it’s affecting those involved
  • Why it is an issue/problem and what is happening because of it
  • 2-3 possible solutions explained (what is a potential solution- how would the solution work, what would it take in order to make it work, why is it a good option?) Students MUST explain how the possible solution would work. 

Please do not forget to include a works cited page. 

Current issues: -Human Rights and Access to Justice

-Marine Conservation -Global Public Health -Wildlife Conservation

-Climate Crisis and Clean Energy - Social Economic Development

- Food Security -Gender Equality -Water Scarcity -Mental Health –Overpopulation

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to [email protected]



  1. _________Read the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde       

  2. _________One-page summary of the story in MLA format 

  3. _________Literary Devices worksheet OR creative project

_________Issues around the world project                    

Summer Reading Literary Devices Worksheet

Part 1:

Characterization- choose ONE character from the book and complete the characterization exercises below. Your answers MUST be in complete sentences, while using proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Character’s physical description: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Character’s style of speaking (you may use quotes that show “who they are” as well): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What other’s think of the character/the effect the character has on others: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The character’s thoughts: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The character’s actions: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

 Part 2:

Please write in complete sentences, using proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

List the theme/s of the book and provide an example/explanation for at least one of the themes: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What is the Point of View (POV)? How do you know? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What is/are the conflict/s? (Man vs. man, man vs. nature, man vs. society, man vs. machine, etc.) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What is the setting of the story? Give a brief description. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What are some symbols throughout the story? What are they symbols for? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Where there any flashbacks or was there foreshadowing? What were they? _____________________________________________________________
