AICE Literature in English (12th Grade)

AICE Literature in English- Summer Reading Assignment 2024-2025 School Year

Disclaimer: One or more texts assigned for summer reading could discuss sensitive topics (such as, but are not limited to- sexual violence, explicit language, ethically questionable behaviors, physical violence, suicide, abuse, murder, etc.) Please note: this is a college level course with the material dictated entirely by Cambridge University. With this in mind, we will discuss these topics with as much delicacy as possible, as these are all very real and very common issues. There will be no visual representation (i.e. The Handmaid’s Tale on Hulu, etc.) of any texts that are deemed inappropriate. Visuals WILL be shown of appropriate material. If the material is triggering for a student, they need to reach out to their AICE Literature in English teacher or the AICE coordinators for an alternative assignment.

Assignment 1- please read Long Day’s Journey into Night by Eugene O’Neill. The complete both part 1 and part 2 below.

  1. Take notes over each chapter. Notes can be bullet points but MUST be thorough. Typed- Times New Roman font- size 12, single spaced.


  2. Please choose 1 out of the 4 topics to write about in regards to the story. Your response must include evidence from the text.

    Answer MUST be MINIMUM 1.5 full pages in MLA format.

    Long Day’s Journey into Night Themes:

    1. Fatalism and Resignation
    2. Denial, Blame, Guilt
    3. Loneliness, Isolation, Belonging
    4. Love and Forgiveness
    5. The Past, Nostalgia, Regret


    Assignment 2- please read Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and then complete both part 3 and 4 below.

  3. Write a summary of the story- typed, Times New Roman size 12 font, single spaced. 1/2 page minimum. Must be in your own words.
  4. Then choose ONE of the options below.

Option A: Letters

You must write 7 letters between characters. Each letter must me a minimum of 10 sentences per letter. Not all of the letters can be back and forth between the same people (meaning they all cannot be between Jane Bennet and Mr. Bingley, etc.). The letters should be written in similar language to the language used in the book (I know it’s hard but try your best! As long as a decent attempt was made, you will be fine). At least 1 theme or symbol should be incorporated into each letter- you cannot use the same theme/symbol more than once if possible. These should be hand written, they do not need to be written on actual stationary, but must be addressed properly with proper greeting, closing regard, and proper formatting (indenting, capitalizing names/places etc.). Essentially it MUST look like a letter. Use of notebook paper is not permitted. Feel free to add colorful details, simple drawings (flowers, birds, etc.- something that fits the time period).



Option B: Journal

Choose 1 main character and create a journal for them. There should be minimum of 10 entries, with 7 sentences minimum per entry. Must mention minimum of 4 other characters within the story. Make sure to include both direct and indirect characterization, themes, symbols, motifs, etc. throughout the entries. There should be at least one each, per entry, none repeated if possible. Must be handwritten. If using notebook paper, must add a “cover” to make it look like a legitimate journal with designs. No spiral notebooks permitted.


Option C: Painting/Collage

For those of you that are most artistically inclined, this might be the project for you. Create a painting, collage, or any form of visual representation of the story. Be as creative as you’d like. Make sure to include a full page analysis of the elements (themes, symbols, motifs, etc.) you have incorporated explaining WHY you incorporated them and HOW they tie back to the story. Minimum of 16”x20”. Do not just glue a dozen pictures on a board and call it a collage, as it will not be accepted. Your art work must be intentional and meaningful.


Option D: The Good Ol’ PowerPoint

For those of you without even a fragment of a creative bone in your body, this project is for you. (Though I do hope I get some of the other options because frankly, these are boring to grade.) Create a power point including an in-depth analysis of the entire story. I’d suggest breaking it down into chapters. Make sure to reference specific literary devices, themes, motifs, symbols, and character analysis. Minimum of 20 slides, maximum of 40 slides. 


Due Monday, August 26th - Friday, August 30th, 2024. No late work accepted. No penalty for turning work in early. Please turn in hard copies of these to your AICE Literature in English teacher. All digital projects will be submitted through Canvas. DO NOT email work.

Please visit the media center for all material. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Ms. Ashton Sieczko- [email protected]